Representing the Mosman Community for over 100 years
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Representing the Mosman Community for over 100 years
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Representing the Mosman Community for over 100 years
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• Confirm to team coach availability of players for next game.
• Confirm with team coach what players will be rostered off (if any)
• Advise team of:
           -players rostered off,
           -parent rostered to score,
           -parent rostered to umpire,
• Advise age coordinator of any players available to assist other teams that may be short players.
• Seek from coach the likely batting order for next game.
• Check draw (on-line) Friday night for any late change to ground allocations.


Ensure results entered into MyCricket no later than Sunday evening. Note NSJCA releases results to local media Monday morning.


Collect digital photos for potential use on MCC Web page, MCC Year Book, and team photo collage to be shown on Presentation Day.


• If bad weather, check council wet weather line for ground cancellations. See grounds tab on NSJCA web page.
• Ensure Coach, Manager or other delegated parent has brought a match ball.
• At ground, delegate a parent to:
        -put out 10 boundary markers,
        -walk the ground to check for broken glass, dog poo and any other hazards.
• Ensure scorer for the game has score book with pencil and eraser.
• Ensure umpire for the game sets up stumps with bails prior to game.
• Ensure coaches/captains conduct toss 15 minutes prior to game start. Note first ball to be bowled no later than designated start time.
• Have a copy of the Blue Book on hand to deal with any disputes.
• At end of game collect score book and pass to parent who enters results into MyCricket (if not Team Manager).
• Collect game ball for use at future training sessions.


Junior cricket is absolutely dependent upon parent volunteers. No volunteers, no cricket – simple.
Level 1 Community Coaching with CNSW

This is a 6 hr nationally accredited course usually delivered by CNSW over 2 sessions. It is suitable for mums and dads interested in learning the basics of cricket coaching and skills development. MCC requires all junior coaches to be qualified and so pays for this course. Keep an eye on the website for details.

NSJCA Accredited Umpires
All junior teams require at least 2 qualified umpires. The NSJCA run pre-season courses at no cost to you. No previous cricket knowledge is required. Keep an eye on the website for details.
NSJCA Scorers Course
All junior teams require at least two scorers. The NSJCA run pre-season courses for no cost that teach parents what they need to become a competent scorer. No previous cricket knowledge is required. Keep an eye on the website for details.
Working with Children Checks
Under current NSW legislation, parent volunteers or close relatives (step-parents, siblings, grand- carers) can volunteer for activities that involve their own children without needing a Working With Children Check (WWCC).

All other volunteers will need to undertake the check and must do so before commencing cricket activities. All professional coaches employed by MCC either directly or indirectly are properly accredited.

If in any doubt please contact our Registrar, Mark Harrison at


MCC cricket shirts
All MCC NSJCA cricketers are required to wear a MCC cricket shirt. These are long sleeved to be sun-safe. They are available for purchase as part of the registration process. We carry all sizes. School or other cricket shirts are NOT permitted.

Cricket trousers
White or cream cricket pants are recommended again from a sun-safe perspective but also to provide greater comfort when wearing batting or wicket keeping pads. MCC does not supply cricket trousers and these can be purchased from local sports shops.

Floppy sun hats
Wide-brim MCC floppy hats are recommended for all U9 and U10 players in particular and are available for purchase as part of the registration process.

Training kit and cap
Every MCC NSJCA player are provided with a MCC training shirt, shorts and cap as part of their registration fees.

The wearing of training kit is MANDATORY at team training/academy sessions at Balmoral. Why? Because it means we can easily identify our kids and ensure they are safe and supervised. Again, the wearing of school or other kit is NOT permitted. Persistent offenders will be asked to sit out training.
20:20 Friday night boys and girls programs are also provided with a training shirt and cap for the same reason.

Cricket Australia | Looking after our kids document

The NSJCA Competition rules and other resources