Early Bird Junior Registrations for season 2024/25 Now Open!


Dear MCC Parents and players.

It’s been a wet winter with several weekends called off for rain. Let’s hope it changes for the remainder of the season.

It is time though to think about Summer and cricket. The T20 World Cup is done and dusted with the Aussies unfortunately not making the Finals. We currently hold the Test Championship and 50 over World Cup so it was time to let someone else have their time in the sun.
Early Bird Registrations for U9 – U17 season 2024/25 are now open. Rego fees will be $300 for the month of July instead of $350

The link to register is for Sat/Sun U9 -U17 formats and Woollies Blast (Saturday morning at AB Oval) is below.

Play Cricket

Things to note:

Things to note:
The Active kids’ voucher eligibility has changed for this year, find out more information here: https://www.service.nsw.gov.au/active-and-creative-kids-voucher” 

I would reach out to your team from last season and see what they are all doing.

Round 1 will be Saturday 21st, Sunday 22nd September so registrations will close middle of August, giving us time to finalize teams and have pre-season practice.

For Friday night 20/20 at Allan Border click on this link. 

MCC 20/20 Friday night Cricket 2024/25 Tickets, Mosman Cricket Club, Mosman | TryBooking Australia

If you have any questions, please come back to myself, or Louise Ryves our Club Registrar via registrarmosmancricket@gmail.com

Reminder: your child must be UNDER the age of the relevant age group as of 31 August 2024. i.e., if your child is 12 at this time, he would be eligible for U13. Girls’ formats are different as it’s based on ability not age. If they are just slightly older at the cut-off date and want to play with younger friends, you are allowed to apply for dispensation through the NSJCA committee.

Here’s to another great season for the Whales!


Warwick Adlam
Mosman Junior Cricket Club
0417 273 990